Certified Dementia Care Consultant & Certified Home Safety Specialist

Welcome to Your Senior Care Solutions

Your Partner in Aging Gracefully at Home

About Us

Our mission is to support seniors who wish to stay in their homes as long as possible and to educate the community and families about how to support individuals living with dementia. 

Kim has been working with families and their loved ones for over 30 years. During that time she has worked with people that were forced to move out of their home due to a medical or cognitive crisis because their home was not safe or equipped to meet their physical and/or cognitive needs. We want to help people be proactive and to be able to stay in their home as long as possible if that is their wish. 

Kim holds a certification as a Home Safety Specialist and Grab Bar Installation Specialist. Safety in the home should be top priority as we age. 

Throughout the years she observed families and caregivers struggle at knowing how to give the best care and compassion to those living with dementia. Kim is certified as Dementia Consultant, Trainer, and Educator through Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care Program. Teepa’s brain based care philosophy focuses on utilizing the parts of the brain that are still functioning. 

In conjunction with dementia care is safety. Most of us know that older adults are more at risk, however individuals living with dementia are even more at risk of falls or other accidents. Kim is certified as a home safety specialist and is required annually to update this certification. 

Mike is excited to join our mission in supporting people to stay at home as long as possible. He has long term handyman experience and is certified as a home safety specialist and in grab bar installation.

Kim & Mike

Kim & Mike Decker

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What to Expect...

When we work together we take a look at the whole individual, those involved, as well as their environment. The goal is to reduce frustration for both the caregiver and the individual, as well as increase engagement and quality of life. We can work together once for some training or problem solving or I can support those involved along the journey as care support changes.

Care Home Conversations Podcast

The Art of Marketing Your Care Home

You won’t want to miss our newest Care Home Conversations Podcast episode where we have a great discussion with Kim Decker, owner of Your Senior Care Solutions. 

Together we discuss the art of marketing your care home and important factors to consider when marketing your home to families and potential residents. Get valuable tips and ideas for making your care home enticing to private-pay residents.

Organizing For Success

You won’t want to miss our recent Care Home Conversations Podcast episode with a former guest, Kim Decker, owner of Your Senior Care Solutions, Organizing For Success.

Together we discuss how having an organizational system contributes to success as a small business owner, where and how to begin, why communication is a part of organization, saving time and creating efficient systems, and tools for getting and staying organized.

Our Latest Senior Care Blogs

Grieving a Parent with Dementia: A Journey of Love and Loss

Grieving a Parent with Dementia: A Journey of Love and Loss

Dementia is a cruel thief, steadily taking away the essence of a loved one right before your eyes. When a parent is diagnosed with dementia, ...
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The Gift of Time: Navigating Hospice Care for Dementia Patients
Care Providers

The Gift of Time: Navigating Hospice Care for Dementia Patients

Hospice care provides compassionate support for individuals in the final stages of life, focusing on comfort and quality of life. When it comes to dementia, ...
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Enjoying Holidays with Loved Ones Who Have Dementia

Enjoying Holidays with Loved Ones Who Have Dementia

Holidays are a time for celebration, family, and creating cherished memories. However, for families with loved ones who have dementia, holidays can present unique challenges. ...
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Helping is what we do best. Please get in touch if we may assist you in finding senior care solutions.
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Arizona: 602-919-3037
Oregon: 503-819-5667

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